08.11.2016 Технологија

45 бесплатни онлајн курсеви

Без разлика дали работите или студирате, учењето на нешто ново навистина може да ви помогне. Дознавањето нови нешта и вештини е особено важно доколку барате работа или сакате да ја смените старата.

На Интернет можете да се стекнете со ваквите вештини, бидејќи постојат низа онлајн курсеви кои можете да ги завршите: програмирање, графички дизајн, пишување – ова се само дел од темите за кои може да дознаете нешто повеќе.

Курсевите се бесплатни и за ниеден од нив не се потребни повеќе од 10 недели за комплетно завршување.

Програмирање :

1. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1), Coursera

2. JavaScript, Codecademy

3. Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners, Udemy

4. Intro to Java Programming, Udacity

5. Make a Website, Codecademy

6. Diploma in C Programming, ALISON

7. HTML, CSS, and Javascript, Coursera

8. HTML5 Part 1: HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices, edX


9. Beginner's Guide to Image Editing in Photoshop, Digital Tutors

10. Getting Started With Photoshop CC, Udemy

12. How to Get Started With Adobe Illustrator CS6 — 10 Things Beginners Want to Know How to Do, Adobe TV

13. Beginner's Guide to Concept Sketching, Digital Tutors

14. Adobe InDesign Made Easy, Udemy

Онлајн Маркетинг

15. Online Advertising, OPEN2STUDY

16. Google Analytics, ALISON

17. Social Media 101, Social Media Quickstarter

18. SEO for SEO Beginners, Udemy

19. Diploma in E-Business, ALISON

20. Getting Started With Email Marketing, Skillshare

21. How to Get a Job Using Social Media, The Muse


22. Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution, Coursera

23. Professional Communication Essentials, Udemy

24. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, OPEN2STUDY

25. Stuttering Treatment: The ABC's of Smoother Speech, Udemy

26. Business Communication — Developing Effective Business Presentation Skills, ALISON

27. Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator, Coursera


28. Business Communication — Fundamentals of Business Writing, ALISON

29. How to Write an Essay, edX

30. Introduction to Journalism, Class Central

31. Start Writing Fiction, FutureLearn

32. Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens, Coursera

33. Create Income Opportunities by Learning Power Writing, Udemy

34. Journalism for Social Change, edX


35. Entrepreneurship 101: Who Is Your Customer?, edX

36. How to Make Money Online: The Passive Income Business Plan, Udemy

37. Growth Strategies for Business, ALISON

This course is created for anyone who is interested in starting his or her own company or wants to learn more about the factors involved in growing a business. You'll gain knowledge of the changes, transformations, strategies, and mistakes that need to be considered when growing a business internationally.

Duration: 3 hours / 5 lessons

38. Scaling Operations: Linking Strategy and Execution, Coursera

39. Entrepreneurship and Family Business, OPEN2STUDY

40. Build. Measure. Learn. Lean Startup SXSW 2012, Udemy


41. Law and the Entrepreneur, Coursera

42. Forensic Psychology: Witness Investigation, FutureLearn

43. Fundamentals of Business Law, ALISON

44. Copyright Made Easy, Udemy

45. Cyberwar, Surveillance, and Security, edX

Подготвил: Маја Пероска


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