27.07.2019 Култура

Какво е чувството да се спие во куќа од познат филм?

Посетителите на „Ејрбнб“ ги очекуваше вистинско изненадување, особено оние кои се фанови на познатата сага „Самрак“.

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“Eventually we made it to Charlie’s. He still lived in the small, two-bedroom house that he’d bought with my mother in the early days of their marriage.” —Stephenie Meyer, Twilight ******* This is the iconic house at 184 S 6th Street in Saint Helens, Oregon, that director @CatherineHardwicke chose to use as the Swan House filming location - outside and inside, including yes Bella’s bedroom - in @TWILIGHT. Only the first film was shot here - for NEW MOON, ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN, the house was recreated as a facade, and the rooms built as sets on soundstages. This charming 1935 home has been redecorated to look like how it looked for filming, plus a little creative license in the rooms that were not seen in the movies. Believe it or not this is actually a 5 bedroom home! Twilight fans from all over the world come to see this home and take photos in front of it. And now for the first time ever, we have made the @TwilightSwanHouse available as a premium vacation rental for all! Why not take yourself back to the very first film that launched a cinematic saga, and that time in your life when you became so obsessed with it, and enjoy your own time staying at the @TwilightSwanHouse. Just search @TwilightSwanHouse in Saint Helens, Oregon, at Airbnb.com, HomeAway.com and Vrbo.com to book your visit. Of course photographs of the @TwilightSwanHouse from the street are always welcome. We’d love to see your photos tag us @TwilightSwanHouse and use Hashtag #TwilightSwanHouse 🍎🌘🌑🌞

A post shared by The Swan House (@twilightswanhouse) on

На оваа веб-страница што нуди сместувања се нуди куќата во која беше снимена токму оваа сага, а е запишана како „Куќата на семејството Свон од Самрак“. Куќата била изградена во 1930 година, а може да смести 10 гости истовремено и тоа во пет спални соби. Чини 330 долари за една ноќ во текот на неделата, а 440 долари за една ноќ во текот на викендот.

Куќата во филмот е прикажана во градот Форкс, Вашингтон, но таа всушност се наоѓа во пријатниот и тивок крај во јужен Орегон, блиску до Портланд.

Домаќините Дин и Амбер ја прифатија славата што ја стекнала нивната куќа и одлучиле да ја искористат и да заработат од изнајмувањето на куќата.

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“Eventually we made it to Charlie’s. He still lived in the small, two-bedroom house that he’d bought with my mother in the early days of their marriage.” —Stephenie Meyer, Twilight ———— This is the iconic house at 184 S 6th Street in Saint Helens, Oregon, that director @CatherineHardwicke chose to use as the Swan House filming location - outside and inside, including yes Bella’s bedroom - in @TWILIGHT. Only the first film was shot here - for NEW MOON, ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN, the house was recreated as a facade, and the rooms built as sets on soundstages. This charming 1935 home has been redecorated to look how it appeared in filming, plus a little creative license in the rooms that were not seen in the movies. Believe it or not this is actually a 5 bedroom home! Twilight fans from all over the world come to see this home and take photos in front of it. And now for the first time ever, we have made the @TwilightSwanHouse available as a premium vacation rental for all! Why not take yourself back to the very first film that launched a cinematic saga, and that time in your life when you became so obsessed with it, and enjoy your own time staying at the @TwilightSwanHouse. Just search @TwilightSwanHouse in Saint Helens, Oregon, at Airbnb.com, HomeAway.com and Vrbo.com to book your visit. Of course photographs of the @TwilightSwanHouse from the street are always welcome. We’d love to see your photos tag us @TwilightSwanHouse and use Hashtag #TwilightSwanHouse 🍎🌘🌑🌞

A post shared by The Swan House (@twilightswanhouse) on

- Првпат можете да го почувствувате и запознаете ентериерот на куќата што ја нарековме „Куќата на семејството Свон од Самрак“. Куќата е позната како дом на Чарли и Бела Свон од филмот „Самрак“ - се наведува на „Ејрбнб“.

Оние кои веќе ја имале привилегијата да престојуваат во куќата велат дека куќата е доста пријатна, а Дин и Амбер се совршени домаќини.

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Подготвил: Тамара Гроздановски


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